Couscous with Chicken and Dried Cranberries (Couscous de poulet et canneberges séchées)

If you run Quebec’s largest cranberry farm, you tend to explore the role of cranberries in cuisine. Marc and Marie Bieler of Atoka Cranberries in St. Louis de Blandford, a

Endive, Apple and Cranberry Salad (Salade d’endive, de pomme et de canneberges)

Apples, cranberries and endive are popular autumn foods in Quebec. Some recipes combine the trio. Grown in the dark and available year-round, Quebec endive is almost all produced at one

Wild Mushroom Soup (Soupe aux champignons sauvages)

The Charlevoix region in the lower St. Lawrence is hilly and forested, the woods a good source for mushrooms. Chef Dominique Truchon, owner of Chez Truchon in La Malbaie, uses